Sunday, September 18, 2011

Ladies Man

For only being four years old, Ryan is quite the charmer.  He already knows that the best way to get what he wants is to give a compliment to the person he wants it from.  

While watching his favorite movie, Spiderman:
me: "MJ is pretty, huh ry?"
Ryan: "Yeah... Kinda like you Aunt Jessie"
me: "Oh thanks Ryan!"
Ryan: "Now will you make me some toast?"

His best friends in his neighborhood happen to be a family of three girls, all older than Ryan.  He also has a girlfriend at school named Kate, who he says he is going to marry.

My favorite story happened a couple weeks ago on one of our Monday night sleepovers.  My brother and his wife are trying to have another baby and it is so sweet to hear little Ry-guy pray for his mom to get "pregnick" each night.  So we were kneeling down to say prayers before bed.  He had his arms folded, eyes closed, took a big breath to start the prayer and then...

Ryan: "Wait, wait, wait!  Do you wanna be pregnick?"
me: Umm... No.
Ryan: "Why not?"
me: "Because I am not married, remember?"
Ryan: "Ooh...  So you need to find a cute boy first!"

Yes Ryan, that is what I need :)  So this is for all you other girls who "need to find a cute boy first".  We have Ryan praying for us!

Tuesdays with Ryan

Blogging is new to me, so this will be pretty basic and plain until I get more advanced experience with templates and layouts.  In June this summer I had the wonderful opportunity of watching my four-year-old nephew for two weeks while his parents were in the Philippines doing humanitarian work.  His name is Ryan and he is my only nephew.  We had a blast going to his cousins' (my beautiful nieces) softball games in Spanish Fork, swimming at the pool and seven peaks, going on a dinosaur adventure at the Hogle Zoo, a lot of breakfasts at Kneaders, and the best was watching movies on my computer every night while snuggling in my bed.  Well my brother started law school at BYU in August and his wife is a nurse.  So she asked if I could maybe watch Ryan on Tuesdays during one of her shifts.  After the first week of going to their house at 7 a.m., and me not being a morning person, I came up with the idea of Ryan sleeping over on Monday nights so that we could both sleep in.  He thinks it's fun to sleep over and I get a couple extra hours of much needed beauty rest.  So that is now what I get to do every Monday night.  After just two weeks of Ryan saying and doing the hilarious things he always does I thought to myself, "I should start writing this down.  Hmmm.... Maybe I should start a blog!"  So Mitch Albom, the author, had "Tuesdays with Morrie" and I now have "Tuesdays with Ryan".